We can custom cut your logs into valuable lumber on our band saw sawmill
American Elm
Elm is getting harder and harder to find. The Dutch elm disease wiped out many American elm trees. If you have an elm tree that is dead but not totally rotten in the middle get it milled as the lumber is pretty, and machines well. You will be glad you did.
The Log Grabber 5000
Moving the logs with our log arch
We can hand move logs if need be with our log arch. The custom build log arch can be used to get the logs out of your yard if no equipment is available.
Moving the Logs
This part of the Double "D" Sawmill team does not do much of the work, they just pose for the photos. This is the custom build log arch that can move logs from back yards to the log grabber 5000 log trailer
We move the logs with our custom built log mover. We can load the logs on the sawmill with the log mover. We also put the logs in order for the sawing. these logs are cherry logs. Note the log ends are painted. that is to prevent cracking.
Celebrity Sawyers